상품상세 정보

      • EN
      • In 1950s New York, before he became one of the most famous names of the 20th century, Andy Warhol was already a skilled and successful commercial artist. During this time, as part of his strategy to woo clients and forge friendships, he created seven handmade artist’s books, reserved to his most valued contacts. These featured personal, unique drawings and quirky texts revealing his fondness for—among other subjects—cats, food, myths, shoes, beautiful boys, and gorgeous girls.Decades later, with originals now changing hands for thousands of dollars at auction, TASCHEN presents an XL-sized volume containing meticulous reprints of these seven books. With titles such as Love Is a Pink Cake, 25 Cats Named Sam, and À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu, the series reveals the artist’s off-the-wall character as well as his accomplished draftsmanship, boundless creativity, and innuendo-laced humor.This book makes delightful play with styles and genres, including A Is for Alphabet, which devotes a page to each letter of the alphabet, with illustrations complemented by stumbling three-line verses that tell of strange encounters between man and animal. In the Bottom of My Garden is at once a Warhol twist on a children’s book and a covert celebration of gay love. Wild Raspberries, meanwhile, is a spoof cookbook with a cornucopia of adventurous recipes and illustrations.This volume also includes introductions for each of Warhol’s illustrations. Complete with rarely seen photographs of the artist, inspirational ephemera, and commercial assignments, they contextualize Warhol’s 1950s art, offering a glimpse into his early creative process as well as his endearing, playful character.Little-known, much-coveted jewels in the Warhol crown, these hand-drawn delights are as appealing and original today as they were back in the halcyon days of the 1950s and offer a unique glimpse at a budding genius on the cusp of global fame.© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

      • Title
      • Andy Warhol : Seven Illustrated Books 1952-1959
      • Price
      • KRW 100,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836592581
        • Pages
        • 288pp
        • Size
        • 256mm x 345mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    In 1950s New York, before he became one of the most famous names of the 20th century, Andy Warhol was already a skilled and successful commercial artist. During this time, as part of his strategy to woo clients and forge friendships, he created seven handmade artist’s books, reserved to his most valued contacts. These featured personal, unique drawings and quirky texts revealing his fondness for—among other subjects—cats, food, myths, shoes, beautiful boys, and gorgeous girls.Decades later, with originals now changing hands for thousands of dollars at auction, TASCHEN presents an XL-sized volume containing meticulous reprints of these seven books. With titles such as Love Is a Pink Cake, 25 Cats Named Sam, and À la Recherche du Shoe Perdu, the series reveals the artist’s off-the-wall character as well as his accomplished draftsmanship, boundless creativity, and innuendo-laced humor.This book makes delightful play with styles and genres, including A Is for Alphabet, which devotes a page to each letter of the alphabet, with illustrations complemented by stumbling three-line verses that tell of strange encounters between man and animal. In the Bottom of My Garden is at once a Warhol twist on a children’s book and a covert celebration of gay love. Wild Raspberries, meanwhile, is a spoof cookbook with a cornucopia of adventurous recipes and illustrations.This volume also includes introductions for each of Warhol’s illustrations. Complete with rarely seen photographs of the artist, inspirational ephemera, and commercial assignments, they contextualize Warhol’s 1950s art, offering a glimpse into his early creative process as well as his endearing, playful character.Little-known, much-coveted jewels in the Warhol crown, these hand-drawn delights are as appealing and original today as they were back in the halcyon days of the 1950s and offer a unique glimpse at a budding genius on the cusp of global fame.© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.


    1950년대, 20세기의 가장 유명한 이름인 앤디 워홀은 이미 숙련된 상업 예술가였습니다. 그동안 고객을 모아 우정을 쌓는 전략의 일환으로 그는 가장 중요한 연락처에 예약된 7권의 핸드메이드 아티스트 책을 만들었습니다. 그들은 개인적이고 독특한 그림과 기묘한 텍스트가 특징이며 고양이, 음식, 신화, 신발, 미소년, 그리고 호화로운 여성에 대한 그의 취향을 밝혔습니다.수십 년 뒤 오리지널이 경매에서 몇 천달러에 손을 바꾸고, 태산은 이들 7권의 책의 꼼꼼한 재판판을 포함한 XL 크기의 책을 제시합니다. 'Love Is a Pink Cake', '25 Cats Named Sam', '̀ la Recherche du Shoe Perdu' 등의 타이틀을 가진 이 시리즈는 아티스트의 벽을 넘은 캐릭터뿐만 아니라 그의 뛰어난 드래프트 기술, 무한한 창의성, 그리고 독창적인 유머를 표현하고 있습니다.이 책은 알파벳 각 글자에 한 페이지씩 써넣는 'AIS for Alphabet'을 비롯해 인간과 동물의 기묘한 만남을 이야기하는 아이우에오의 글쓰기로 구성된 일러스트로 스타일과 장르를 재미있게 연기합니다. '내 남자의 아이'에서는 워홀이 아동 도서에 반전을 더하며 게이의 사랑을 은근히 축복하고 있습니다. 한편, Wild Raspberrys는 모험적인 레시피와 일러스트가 풍부한 스푸핑 요리책입니다.이 권에는 워홀의 각 일러스트 소개도 포함되어 있습니다. 좀처럼 보기 힘든 아티스트의 사진, 영감을 주는 에페메라, 그리고 상업적인 과제로 완성된 그것들은 워홀의 1950년대 예술을 문맥화하고 그의 초기 창조적인 과정과 그 사랑스러운 장난기를 엿볼 수 있습니다.워홀의 왕관에는 잘 알려져 있지 않고 많은 사람들에게 알려지지 않은 이 손으로 그린 기쁨은 1950년대 할시온 시대로 돌아간 것만큼이나 매력적이고 독창적이며 세계적인 명성을 정점으로 하는 새로운 천재들을 색다른 것으로 엿볼 수 있습니다© 앤디 워홀 시각예술재단입니다.

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