상품상세 정보

      • EN
      • "Monthly Architectural Culture", which has introduced various domestic and foreign structures every month, has compiled 72 domestic and foreign housing cases by type, size, and characteristics through the "Livings, Detail" series. The book has been edited to make it easy to check the detailed descriptions and major construction details of each drawing, from detached houses (03), which contain various types of families and their lifestyles, to apartment houses (04), which express various sizes and shapes by household size. It will not just introduce housing projects, but also help prospective architects who want to build houses, as well as architects looking for various housing buildings and residential space cases.

      • Title
      • 리빙즈, 디테일(Livings, Detail) 3 - 포근한 집, 한 가구를 위한 집
      • Price
      • KRW 70,000
      • Publisher
      • ARCHI-LAB
      • ISBN
      • 9791189659417
        • Pages
        • 304pp
        • Size
        • 236mm x 310mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    "Monthly Architectural Culture", which has introduced various domestic and foreign structures every month, has compiled 72 domestic and foreign housing cases by type, size, and characteristics through the "Livings, Detail" series. The book has been edited to make it easy to check the detailed descriptions and major construction details of each drawing, from detached houses (03), which contain various types of families and their lifestyles, to apartment houses (04), which express various sizes and shapes by household size. It will not just introduce housing projects, but also help prospective architects who want to build houses, as well as architects looking for various housing buildings and residential space cases.


    매월 국내외 다양한 건축물들을 소개해 온 〈월간 건축문화〉가 〈리빙즈, 디테일〉 시리즈를 통해 유형별, 규모별, 특성별로 구분된 국내외 주택 사례 72개를 엮어냈습니다. 책은 다양한 가족의 형태와 그들의 라이프 스타일이 세심하게 담겨진 단독주택(03권)부터 세대 크기별 규모와 형태가 다양하게 표현된 집합주택(04권)까지 도면마다 표기된 세심한 표기들과 주요 시공 부분에 대한 상세도를 쉽게 확인 가능하도록 편집되어 있습니다. 단순히 주택 프로젝트를 소개하는 것이 아닌, 집이라는 공간의 다채로운 키워드가 정리되어 있어 집을 짓고자 하는 예비 건축주 뿐만 아니라, 다양한 주택 건축물, 주거공간 사례를 찾는 건축가들에게도 도움이 될 것입니다.

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